Beauty behind the lies...

On this very day, 1 year ago, my eyes opened for the very first time. Nevermore would blue skies hide the cracks in the pavement. Nevermore would my smile hide the pain. There comes a point in every person's life when the wool is finally pulled from over their eyes and the innocence our parents hoped would last forever, slowly fades away.

The average child loses belief in Santa Claus by the age of 8, I stopped believing when I was 5. With the ability to decipher fact from fiction at such a young age, I now look back to a year ago and wonder - when did I start believing in fairy tales again?

It's been a long year, and yet the shortest of my life. I've realized this world around us is an intricate puzzle with one too many missing pieces - and when you begin to notice the cracks in the pavement, you begin to question everything you thought you knew.

In this new world I live in, I see things the way I wish I always had. I see the truth in the shadows, the deceit in laughter and the beauty behind the lies. This is one girls rants about the world she now see's through open eyes.

If you dare to paint outside the lines, I welcome you to thINK by Number.


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